March Update

We spent the month of March looking at the Easter story, playing some crazy egg games, enjoying a week of Spring Break, and trying to play outside in that crazy Amarillo wind! The first 3 months of the year flew by, but that’s what happens when you’re having fun!

February Update

We’re definitely weather for some warmer spring weather around here. The kids want to get outside and play! As you can see from the pictures below, we had a few chances to do that. And when we can’t, we have some fun inside activities too!

January Update

We’ve had a great start to the new year. Kids have braved some cold weather to make it out and have some fun with friends. If the pictures below look like fun to you, we’d love for you to come join us as a volunteer! Click here and let us know when you’re available to …


We spent 2 and half weeks holding Christmas parties and handing out goodie bags at our 10 properties. That means over 2000 chicken nuggets were consumed and almost 200 goodie bags were handed out to our kids! In between all those parties, we partnered with Hillside Christian Church to hold our annual Sharing Tree Christmas …

October Update

Our October was full of fun and games as we’re enjoying this Fall’s warm, sunny weather. We wrapped up the month with Halloween costumes and partnering with some of our apartment communities for some fun, safe parties for our kiddos. Enjoy these pictures of the fun!

September Update

Doing weekly activities on 10 locations for up to 150 kids each and every week can feel super hectic. But it is also so much fun coming in contact with kids in all sizes, shapes, and backgrounds. We have so much fun and we love what we do. Check out some pictures of each location …

August Update

We wrapped up a fast and furious summer last month. We talked about God’s Math and how it can apply to our worries about school and our relationships with friends. We talked about seeking and adding God first, subtracting negative thoughts, ending division and seeking unity, and how God could multiply our small acts of …


Our annual favorite three days of the year took place in early July. We loaded up 40 campers and adults and headed to Hidden Falls Ranch for hiking, swimming, climbing, S’mores, archery, worship, and more fun that should be legal. Camp Awesome truly is something the kids look forward to and ask about year round. …

June Update

What a fast and furious month of June! Hillside church spent the first week of the month putting on block parties at our 4 biggest communities (Cathy’s Pointe, Cypress Creek, Amarillo Garden, and High Plains Ranch), complete with hotdogs, bounce houses, police officer visits, and water balloons. The youth group from the Fellowship of Huntsville …

May Update

Summer is here, so that means it’s time to look back at the last month of the school year. It was hot and windy almost all month long, but we had fun anyway – even on the properties where we to meet outside! Of course, the kids are sure ready for water balloons to cool …