Because of the generosity of so many of you, we were able to provide Christmas gifts to 114 kids from 40 of our families in need. In addition to that, we were able to connect many more of our North Grand Villas and Cathy’s Pointe families to the Sharing Tree Christmas Outreach down the road at Hillside Church’s North Grand Campus. 2020 has been a difficult year, but the Christmas spirit is alive and well in Amarillo! Thanks to you, all our kids were able to 2 gifts each, and each family also received a small grocery gift card to help out over the holiday break.
We spent this week passing out all those Christmas gifts. In addition, we had mini “drive-by” Christmas parties. Since we’re still unable to gather indoors at our communities (and it was quite cold most of this week!) we went door to door, handing out Christmas snacks and special Christmas goodie bags. At a few of our apartments, it was warm enough to stand outside together long enough to hear the Christmas story (and throw a few snowballs). Sure, we can’t wait until next year when we can gather inside again and eat our weight in Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets. But there was something special about this year’s fun. Its been a hard year, and things may look different, but Christmas is still a time of joy, of peace, of generosity, and of hope.
Families who have been hit hard by the economic repercussions of this pandemic had an extra burden lifted this week. Presents are under the tree. Smiles are on the faces of their children. And most importantly, those families who have been reminded that the One we celebrate this season – our Heavenly Father who sent his Son for us – loves them. And He has not forgotten them. That makes this a very Merry Christmas.
Goodie bags at
Cathy’s Pointe.Gift handout at
Cypress Creek.Happy faces at
Spring Terrace.Plum Creek handout. These kids at Plum Creek were so pumped they opened these gifts right after this picture. Loading up her family’s goodies. It took teamwork to carry this giant bag at Glenwood. The goodie bags hat hats and gloves, which the Glenwood kids immediately put to use. More happy faces at Ridgecrest.