What a fun and busy week! We held 6 Christmas parties in 4 days and gave goodie bags to the 140 or so kids who attended them. We handed out presents to 153 of our kids – birth through high school. We ate over 1000 chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-A, too many cookies to count, and had an absolute blast. Thanks to all our volunteers who helped with the parties, stuffed goodie bags, bought and wrapped presents, or gave to help us make Christmas memories for so many. Click on the thumbnails below to see some great pictures of the fun.
Nugget time at Cathy’s Pointe.
We had huge crowd at Cathy’s Pointe – 45 kids showed up!
Cathy’s Pointe kids heading home with presents.
Mallory leading the Cypress Creek kids in some Christmas carols
Goodie bag handout time at Cypress Creek
Getting presents home took teamwork at Cypress Creek.
Caleb is always the life of the party at Plum Creek.
Enjoying songs and fellowship at Plum Creek
Present time at Plum Creek made everyone smile
Elevate Church let us use their fellowship hall for the Spring Terrace party.
The Spring Terrace kids loved their goodie bags
More unpacking of the Spring Terrace goodie bags.
Doing Christmas MadLibs with Lia.
Apsen emptied out her bag at Glenwood quickly.
Roderick did the same thing as Aspen!
Bryson continuing his annual tradition of serving hundreds of nuggets at the North Grand Villas.
A roomful of kids at NGV made for a fun (and very loud) final party of the week.
Brooks reading the Christmas story to the NGV crew